Online documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5 |
This document describes the content of the property file that is used when generating templates for ExtJS in the Java variant.
The Bld folder of the local model, you are running the XMLTemplateGenerator from.
This is the base path for the meta templates. The templates will be found in folders that is scoped by this folder - these subfolders will have the same name as the pagetype attribute.
The format must be a valid Java file path. The string must end with a "/"character. The specified folder must exist and have a subfolder with the name of the pagetype of the page the template is generated for.
c:/Temp/Meta Templates/
The folder where the generated templates will be placed.
The property must be a valid Java file path. The string must end with a "/" character. The specified folder must exist.
c:/Temp/Generated Files/
The folder where the XmlTemplateGenerator must place the generated xml template.
The folder must exist.
The value must end with a "/" character.
Specifies whether the conversion of the generated XML template to HTML/JS/JSON templates should be performed when the XMLTemplateGenerator is run.
Possible values Y (The XML template will be converted) , N (The processing will stop after the XML template has been generated).
This determines whether a dialog message will be shown after the conversion of the XML template to HTML/JS/JSON templates.
Possible values Y (The dialog message will be shown) , N (The dialog message will not be shown).
This specifies the location of the cmd file that will run the conversion of the XML template to HTML/JS/JSON templates.
The file must exist. The file must be a cmd file that starts the conversion process.
The delivered cmd file expects that it is placed in the folder structure it is delivered in - if this is not the case, the cmd will not be able to resolve the necessary jar files, property files etc.
The folder containing the cmd file must contain a folder named jars that contain all the jar files used by the conversion functions.
This determines whether debug information will be written to the generated templates.
When this setting is Y, Information be written to the generated template each time a new meta template has been used. The line contains information about the function that has used the meta template, the location and full name of the meta template, and information about the detail element from the XML document handled by the function (if available).
A line is written to the generated template when the meta template is opened, and a corresponding line is written to the template when the meta template is closed.
Example (Field information for a field named Key in a js file):
/* BEGIN TEMPLATEGENERATION DEBUG: PageGenerator: Field; Template: c:/TemplateGenerator/metatemplates/wsyfields/FIELD_output_wsynumericfield.js; Element Name: Key */
AA9qF.wsyOutputFields.AA8uA = {xtype: Wsy.getLocale('AA9qF', 'fields.AA8uA.xtype', 'wsynumericfieldoutput')
,wsyDataType: 'wsyInt',name: 'AA8uA',fieldLabel: Wsy.getLocale('AA9qF', 'fields.AA8uA.fieldLabel', 'Key')
,value: AA9qF.fieldvalues.AA8uA.value};
/* END TEMPLATEGENERATION DEBUG: PageGenerator: Field; Template: c:/TemplateGenerator/metatemplates/wsyfields/FIELD_output_wsynumericfield.js; Element Name: Key */
Possible values Y (The debug information will be inserted) , N (The debug information will not be inserted).